Carving Out A New Man Cave
This can really be the case when one looks at the typical household today, which usually consists of a wife and at least two kids. It can quickly become evident that there probably won’t be too many places in the house that a man will be able to call his own personal space. This isn’t to complain about the situation but rather to point out the need for a little space on occasion for the man of the house.
And even if there wasn’t something like a cave before maybe the kids have finally moved out and gone to college or are out on their own and discovering how hard it is to get up on time and go to work, for example. Maybe there’s now a room that will make for a good cave. It might be full of stuff right now — for example, who needs four home space heaters? — But it will soon become the cave of a man’s dreams.
There may even be some nice space out in the garage that the boy and his former band used to play in. They walled off a nice room and they put carpeting down, so half the job is done. Just move that old Epiphone electric guitar out of the way, or hang it up on the wall, and then get cracking on lining up a really nice TV set, at minimum.
There are a few things that should go into any new cave designed for a man, most people who know about such things would say. For one, there’s got to be at least one really nice lounge chair or even a theater chair if someone has the money for that kind of stuff. Also, the television needs to be at least 44 inches in size, although TVs in the 50 range are much better.
It’s also the case that a good quality home theater system goes along with the TV and the lounger. Add in a small refrigerator for cold drinks and maybe even one of those theater popcorn makers and everything is almost there. And if the budget can’t quite handle all that, consider holding a garage sale and unloading that alpine skiing equipment that was used precisely one time 10 years ago.
No man, if pressed, would ever say that he’s anything but focused on his family and that a cave is nothing more than a place where he can find some temporary respite. There’s nothing wrong with that, and it’s better that he spends his Sundays in there watching the football game than actually out there trying to recapture his lost youth by maybe playing it, right?